Thursday, April 7, 2011

Processing the Brain...hmmmm.

Hi everyone! Hope all is going well with you all! Tomorrow is another weigh in and I am feeling good about this one. I've been patient, I've been good. So, we shall see.

Thanks so much for the response of the past being the past. It is just hard sometimes to remember that I am a grown up now and need to move on, up and away. It might just be the bipolar thing too. ;-) Yep, they say I am bi-polar...Of course they say that a lot lately. My brain and thought process gets quite the work out. I am sure by the content of some of my postings you will soon discover some of it may be true. Ha ha!! It is all good though it makes life interesting and gives my children and husband a lot of cheap entertainment. They shake their head and roll their eyes a lot. Between the ADHD and bi-polar issues I can be a bit unpredictable.  : ) That can be a good thing, right? I said right?

How are all of you doing on your weight loss - those of you who are dieting? I continue to lift you up in prayer and intercession the the Lord would empower you in your walk with him.  How many of you are in some kind of  a weight loss program or even just trying to do it on your own?  This is very hard work and I don't know how to do it by myself. Don't know what I would be doing without the support I have gotten. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I really want to give some of this love back. Thank you soooo, much for all of your support! Please e-mail me with questions and concerns. I am by no means a professional but I do know how hard losing weight can be. Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt.

Because of His great love for us. God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive in with Christ ~ Ephesians 2:4-5


  1. Well since you asked: I've been working out at Curves 3x a week for 5 weeks now, I walked Jack to school 3x last week, (1&1/2 miles round trip) and have not been eating as much at supper time. However; I have not lost a stinking pound. That's a bit dishearting. I told the owner I don't think I'm even a typical 'fat person'. :/ Most people probably would've lost at least 5 lbs. She said some people are slow starters, (You think?), and that I should get measured again. Maybe my BMI is down or maybe I've lost inches somewhere. Well my clothes ain't falling off me anywhere! I'm not quitting though although I've had a few 'set backs' foodwise, ya let's call them that. I am really trying. I've never tried to lose weight for more than a month before mainly because I was 'afraid' I wouldn't, ok faced that it's true, and also I always thought if I did lose a lot I didn't want to gain it and more back. Why am I talking to you via your blog when I talk to you in person? You know part of this already. There is a certain relief to 'writing' this out though. You're so smart Denice. I'll see you later. <3

  2. I did forget to say that I know I'm doing my body good. I do feel better and when walking up the alley my legs don't burn like they use to. I really don't 'feel' it at all except when I'm coming back down the alley and then my knees hurt a little from the resistance probably. Just wanted to add that to the book I just typed you. :)

  3. Roxanne, I know the feeling. It seems like you are working your tail off and nothing happens. Well, the fact that your mobility is improving is wonderful news. The less painfull, the more you want to move. The more you move the stronger you get. The stronger you get the more you will lose. It does take time.
    I would suggest you consider some kind of diet. I have found I lose more from diet than exercise. In fact, other than my aqua therapy -which has strenthened me - I really can't exercise. The weight I have lost has been in dieting.
    I don't think dieting has been all that hard for me. I am eating all the time. Lately I haven't lost as much because of medications mostly but now I am back to my usual routine.
    I think in all the dieting I have done the high protein low carb has been the best for me but there are veggies involved for vitamins. Have you ever done or considered that??
    I can show you my menu and you can tell me what you think...
