Saturday, August 27, 2011

Silly Walks and Wilderness Talks

 Hi friends!! I have missed you all. So much has happened and I have so much to say so get the coffee, sit back and prepare for the venting of the "crazy weighing in lady".
So many of you have told me how much you all like this blog and how you can relate to the contents. I know I say this a lot but I just can't get over the fact that so many people read this blog - even people I do not know! I have had 1333 hits on this sight...1333!!  That is probably not a lot in Blog World but in Niecie World it is pretty cool. Well, I guess I have stumbled onto something... :) So I will submit to my  Lord and my peeps and continue this Journal / Journey with y'all. ;-p.

Well through the weight loss part of this "chapter" in my life I have lost 50 lbs. I probably would have lost 60 to 70 if I would have stayed true to myself. On the other hand I have lost 50#...I'll take it! My clothes are finally starting to get too big - technically I guess it is me who is getting smaller. Don't think clothes grow. Okay, yeah, maybe the stretchy ones but you get my meaning...hmmmm, I am picturing those sponges that grow into different shapes when you put them in water. Someone should invent clothes like that...What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, when we were in Texas and I swam or rather waded and sat in the gulf I noticed my swim suit started to fall off. Remember Monty Python's Flying Circus and the "Ministry of Silly Walks?" That was me limping to the car pulling things up, pushing things down and stuffing things back in. All while trying to breath and walk upright. I am sure people on the beach were turning their head to laugh. I would have...this was funny, I don't care who you are. See

I don't know how many of you know it but lately our family has been going through some rather odd circumstances. I found the perfect word to describe our lives of late - Tumultuous: agitated, clamorous,  excited, fierce, hectic, unrestrained, turbulent, vociferous (my new word of the month)..."He was vociferous in his argument". Anyway, I think you get the picture.

We are currently living in a hotel because while Bob and his friend from work were fixing our roof it rained vociferously and the roof had not yet been covered. So, yadda, yadda, yadda the ceiling in our kitchen, laundry room, and the girls bedrooms crashed to the floor. It is pretty crazy and trying to keep up with everything is hard. We have a Studio Sweet with a stove top, microwave and refrigerator. People from my church and family have been very helpful with gift certificates, bringing meals etc... The whole experience has been very eye opening. God has been blessing us left and right. It seems that when there is a need God fills it. He is so good.It is hard but the Lord will see us through.

We found out today that we had hail damage to our roof and the siding of our garage. There could be more we just looked quickly because we were in a hurry. Also, I was in the hospital to receive treatment for a staff infection and an injury to my hip making it nearly impossible to stand up plus I have to go in to have my spleen and groin lymph node removed and biopsied.

You really just have to laugh at this point - we do a lot. God is blessing us through the trials. People have given us money, gift certificates, and have cooked meals. Every time there has been a need the Lord has provided through His bride. Right now I am remembering how God supplied food to his people in the desert. They were in the desert but God supplied their needs. Elijah was in the wilderness and the Lord sent ravens to feed him with bread and meat. In both cases the people involved were in the wilderness. In one instance the Lord had mercy on His people though they were wining and complaining while with Elijah, he was obeying the Lords direction. I know I've written about living in the wilderness in a couple of my post
but well, that's where I am right now so I guess that is what you are going to hear about.

In these experiences I have drawn closer to the Lord which was my and prayer for the past three years. I am gaining back some ground, so to speak, in my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I am once again feeling His presence, anxious to spend time with him. The Lord spoke something into my heart that He had said to me once before. I was complaining about how I don't see Corrin very often because of her job and her family. I complained that I hadn't seen her for a couple weeks and God said, "Sometimes I go for Months without hearing from you. I miss you too". OUCH!  Of course I was a puddle after that. Repenting to and worshiping Him.

Gotta go for now but I have a lot more to say so be ready! Thank you again for all the encouragements and well wishes. They mean more than you know. And thanks for being patient with me as well.

Lord Thank you for my friends and family that you have given me. Thank you too for those who have brought us food or finances always at just the right time. You are so merciful to us and your grace knows no bounds. Thank you too Lord for the blessings of the wilderness that bring ever closer to you. We know that when times get hard it would be so much easier to give it all to you. You will always take care of your children.  Teach us to be quick to let go of the things we have no control over and that build walls between us and you Jesus. You are our shelter, our rock, our healer and provider. Seal these things in our hearts that we may remain steadfast and unshaken.
In JESUS name...AMEN!
Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever.
They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever;
 their horn will be lifted high in honor.

 The wicked will see and be vexed, they will gnash their teeth and waste away;
  the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.     ~ Psalm 112:6-10