Thursday, March 21, 2013

"So long 2012" - "Yay 2013!!"

Hello friends, glad to be able to blog to you all!!

Well, this year is definitely a welcome sight as last year was a long and stressful one. This is the year of change for me and the rest of my family. Lindsay is getting married in June. Jackie will probably be moving out and Bob and I will be on our own...maybe, and I will be having gastric surgery!

So much happened in 2012 and our family went through a lot of ups and downs. But, in the end, we are all together, standing strong and in unity. God is so very good and so very full of mercy and grace! Sometimes that is all we have to fall back on.

This year will be one of many changes. Lindsay is getting married this summer. That is very hard for me to believe. Her Fiance Derek is a great guy and is going to school at Grace University and will soon become a Pastor. He is going for his masters and is interested in possibly teaching as well. Lindsay will be going in to Radiology and is attending UNO. They are young but this is definitely a God Thing and is simply meant to be. They knew they would be together before they started dating. God is so Good.

Ok, now for the Weight Issues... I am still waiting for the Okay from Medicare for the surgery. In the mean  time I am trying very hard to lose the 20 pounds I have left to lose before the surgery. I gained weight over the holidays so it has been hard.

I am doing the high protein low carb portion control thing. I am planning on going on a liquid diet here shortly which I will need to be on before surgery. No sugar, no caffeine  except for 1cup of coffee a day, So, I will mostly be drinking water, broth, protein shakes and skim milk with powdered milk mixed together... mm mm mm. You are supposed to be on this diet 2 weeks before the surgery so I figure I might as well be on it now so that when the ok is given I'll be ready and maybe be able to speed the process up. I want to get it done ASAP so I will be ready for the wedding.

I started the YMCA for the water exercises and such. I've been there twice. The second time I felt more self-conscious. The class is co-ed and the people are older so they are nice but the kids and teens running around make me nervous. So, I put up my wall of protection. I smile and try to talk to people all the time hoping someone doesn't notice me and say something to hurt my feelings. Most of the time I can handle it and just let it fall off when I hear something derogatory or see somebody snicker but sometimes I get caught up in the humiliation of the situation. Today was one of those days. They have a special needs changing and shower room and I broke the bench and fell on the floor. Jackie happened to be in the room outside the shower which was bad enough but I had to finish showering, get dressed and tell the desk person. In my defense the special needs bench was screwed in and not bolted in as I think it should have been and it did look like this situation had happened before but, I felt like a loser.  The staff handled it well and were apologetic and acted like it was no big deal which helped me a lot.  So, it is what it is and things like this may happen from time to time.  Anyway, today was quite the adventure. I know this all sounds pathetic but it is how I feel and what my life is like as a morbidly obese individual. And though I will probably laugh myself about the bench thing - it was classic - keep in mind when you see an XXL person they are probably uncomfortable in their skin and afraid how they will be treated. Treat them like you would anyone else.

So, for this year, I can't wait to see my daughter walk "down the isle" so to speak as they are getting married outdoors! I can't wait to be able to not have to worry about where I am going to sit or if I can sit at all and not have to take my chair when I leave the house. I can't wait to walk into Walmart or JC Penny and buy something off the rack. I can't wait for the amazing changes that will happen this year!!

GOD IS SO GOOD, and all of the things that the enemy has meant for bad my Lord has turned it into GOOD!

Blessings of Peace and the abundance of God's Love to you all!
