Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This, That and the Other thing... What was I saying again?

 Hi everyone, I have so much going on in my head right now but, that is nothing new. The ADHD thing is kinda running my life right now. My thinking process can be very entertaining but sometimes a little scary. It is hard for me to concentrate which makes it hard for me to write, which makes it hard to blog. I currently have 2 other blogs started which may explain the issue with getting them out there. This coupled with the other mental issues going on in this brain of mine can make life truly interesting and gives way to my husband and kids daily game of "Which Mom do we Have Today?"

As some of you who have been with me through this know I have been trying to lose weight. Well, I am still trying and it is not working.

I have decided to have gastric bypass surgery. So, to those of you who understand, thank you so much for your support. To those who think I am wimping out or that I am just not trying hard enough - and I have talked to a few of you - I have no apologies. I am aware that it can be done and that many have done it but in that vein I have failed time and time again. This is something I have decided after much prayer, talking to my family, counselor, friends...etc. This is by no means the "Easy Way Out". It will be a long, painful, healing process and hope I will have people who will put their feelings about the procedure aside and encourage me through this.

I have always said that if I could be on a desert Island where my food choices were very limited and healthy for an extended period of time I could get that jump start and be able to change my eating habits. This surgery will be my island and God will be my refuge. I will have to be very limited for a very long time with what I eat and I know this will  also change the way my brain signals when to eat and when not to. This will still be a struggle for me at first but at least I will be forced into compliance with my determination to be healthy. If I do not get healthy now my Dr. says I will probably not live another 7 years. I have moderate Pulmonary Artial Hypertension which caused heart failure and a few autoimmune issues that seem to have been running my life of late. These 'diseases', the Dr.'s say, will not go away but I will be able to function more on a normal level and be around a lot longer to make others miserable with my incredible charm and sarcastic bantor; and then, I take over then I take over the WORLD!!!!! Muuuuuuuuuuuhahahahahahahaha, *cough*. Anyway, prayers would be appreciated during this long drawn out process.

Also, part of this process will include me visiting with a psychiatrist. I already have - Bob said I could keep her - own but apparently that doesn't count. So, those of you who know me really well please pray extra hard!!!! Then you can go back to pretending like you don't. ;-)

Thank you to all who have been with me through this. I will keep you posted and in the next blog, which I have already started (see ADHD) will be coming soon and will be more of a shall we say, thought process theme.

God Bless and love you,


*ADHD stands for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, a syndrome characterized by an impaired ability to regulate activity level (hyperactivity), attend to tasks (inattention), and inhibit behavior (impulsivity). ADHD is thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain that affects the parts controlling attention, concentration and impulsivity.