Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hunting Wabbits and finding Mud Holes

Things have been exciting around here! I have been walking my dog around the hotel and letting her run in the field next door which has been fine. She always comes back when I call - always. Well, she found a rabbit and took off after it. Bob I called and called and nothing. So I thought 'hey, why don't I drive to Locust St. in my power chair  and get Shy on the other side'? It SEEMED like a good idea at the time. Anyway, I'm rolling along calling for Shy and couldn't find her. So, I decided to head home and see if she came back. I called Lindsay and she said Shy was back.

I was heading down a sidewalk toward Abbott Drive (the airport road). The sidewalk ended so I thought I would just try to ride in the grass until I could get to a driveway not too far up. The sidewalk had a pretty good drop of and mud. I didn't see the mud and got stuck. I had to get up and push my chair out which is very difficult and painful for me to do but I did it. Wait, it gets better. I went back down the sidewalk and drove in the road. I had mud on my feet and on the wheels of my chair. I saw a puddle of water and thought 'maybe if I drive through the water it would clean my tires off and maybe get the excess mud from between my toes. It SEEMED like a good idea at the time.

There was a drop off with a large hole and at the bottom of the hole was more mud. My chair fell off the road into the hole and my chair was leaning to the right. I though I would get out of my chair to push. That is when I found the mud. My foot got stuck in the mud and I fell - in the mud. I tried to stand up and push my chair out but no luck. My right hip, which I was already having trouble with, was much worse and my right leg twisted and I think I pulled something cause it really hurts. Anyway, Two cars stopped. They were so nice and so helpful and very nice. Two men got my chair out and the girl with one of the guys helped me get back into my chair. One of the drivers gave me a towel and the girl helped clean me up a little. I thanked them and told them I was ok now and that I was staying close by and they left. I did see one of them drive by a couple of times on my way back to the hotel. Though I was feeling rather humbled by then. I was impressed and thanking God for the rescue.

When I got home I showered and Bob cleaned up my chair. My hip and leg are pretty messed up but I am so thankful and learned that there are some people out there that are willing to help. Once again God came through and sent someone to the rescue - GOD IS GOOD!!!!


Thank you LORD for sending help when I needed it! Thank you for watching over me and caring for me even over the small things.

Bless those wonderful people who stopped to help. Reward them for their willingness to help others and for their concern that went beyond just getting me out of the mud. Bless those too that drove by instead of stopping that they may witness your hand working in their lives in mercy and grace. Bring them to and everlasting relationship with you...In JESUS name ~ AMEN


"He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me".  Psalm 18:19