Saturday, March 14, 2015

What Gets Under Your Skin?

I decided that since I was having a hard time thinking about what to write, I would give ya'll some insight as to what TICKS ME OFF. I'm sure there are more and I am getting better at "cooling down" when I come across any of the following. Let me tell you, that is God! He is so good and reminds me constantly that we are all His creation, we all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness and I know I can tee other people off, soooooo here goes!
Let me know some of the things that bother you.
What peeves me off?
1. Gaining weight - and yes, I have gained 10 lbs.! I am really PI**ED at myself! I'm thinking it is nerves/mindless eating and has to stop.
2. People showing disrespect to me or anybody else. (I've gotten in trouble a few times when I saw someone treating someone wrong) Kids that disrespect adults!!
3.  Being ignored is a big one. (On the other hand too much attention is embarrassing) .a simple acknowledgement is all I ask.
4.  Public humiliation for me or others. (Again that spells trouble for my tongue)
5.  False accusations
6.  Assumptions as to what I  am thinking.
7.  Being taken advantage of.
8.  The silent treatment - please give me the courtesy of letting me know what I did wrong. Only then can it be corrected. 
9.  Talking bad against family. For some reason I still feel I have to defend them to outsiders. I will be in your face... I think it's a firstborn thing.
10.  People who want to debate issues without little or no information on the subject at hand
11. Promises not kept w/o good reason.
12. People who constantly ask questions during movies or TV shows. (This is one that I have come across fairly recently) I am learning to be patient.
I really would like you to share things that bug you too