Monday, November 14, 2011

Morphine the Floating Man and the Ghost Dog

Yep, it's me and it has been awhile. There is so much to share that it is going to take much longer than one posting to fit it all in so I am just going to let God guide me. Sounds like fun, huh?

This is the first time in a long time I have felt the urge or compulsion to write a blog. Seriously, I had the hardest time even thinking of what to write. I tried many times but my heart just wasn't in it. I think it must of been some of my meds because after switching me to a different med the desire started to build, and well, here I am.

As most of you know I have been ill from about August of last year till now. I had my spleen removed in February, yadda, yadda, yadda I am getting better. I am so thankful to my family, friends and church for the prayer support and gifts. I know that God is working through my doctors hands as well and I am extremely thankful for their care and concern for my well being - even if I could eat only ice chips for five days...all is forgiven. I did get Popsicles after all.

 After surgery, I was flying pretty high on morphine (gotta love that magic button) . I was enjoying the fact that my dog Shy Shy was with me curled up in the chair across the room and the man floating by the clock was waving at me. I was just as amused by the pretty colors I was seeing. Of course Shy wasn't there and I am pretty sure the floating guy wasn't  real.

Apparently, my kids got a few good laughs. I guess I talked to myself a lot and once threw a stuffed monkey at Lindsay because she took sides with the physical therapist lady that was trying to get me up for a walk...Guess I didn't want to go. I also told everyone that I had head lice and to make sure they treated their hair when they got home. I didn't have lice of course but my head must have been itching. All I remember is the floating guy, my dog and the colors. I guess I do remember arguing with a nurse over what day it was...everyday was the 23rd to me and this was valentines day week. Don't know why I had the 23rd stuck in my head but I insisted, Oh well.

After the surgery my kidney's began to fail and the Dr.s were concerned.  Anyway, my numbers came down after three days of people lifting me up in prayer and overnight my numbers were where they should be. The Dr.'s were amazed at how quickly the healing came.  I thanked them for all their hard work and shared with them that our God is amazing!

Also, since Feb. 10th I have lost 32 pounds! I am kind of wavering up and down 4 pounds but I will get there. I haven't had much of an appetite since the surgery. I didn't eat for 5 days so I am guessing my tummy shrunk as they say so it is a good head start for me. I am simply portioning and using info I received from Metabolic Research Center. It got pretty expensive there and I wasn't able to keep up with the cost. The plan works though so, if you can do it, I recommend it.

Well, this is a start. I am glad to be writing again and I hope you like this and all that is coming.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,
