Tuesday, February 3, 2015

After All This Time, I'm Still Not Done

Well, well, well. Here I still am and there you still are just waiting to hear another one of my fabulous blogs. Man, someone needs a life, lol. You know I'm just kidding. Figured my 55th birthday would be a wonderful day for a long overdue matter of opinion on anything that comes to mind, disguised as a blog.
I haven't blogged  since August of 2013. Is there anybody still out there reading, not that that will stop me?  :-)
Well lets see...I have lost 180 plus from my highest weight and have slowed down considerably in the weight loss of late. My weight loss surgery was September 3rd of 2013.
I still fight the fight of eating right, getting the exercise I need, keeping the attitude and lately I have been once more talking to food. Yep, you heard me talking to food. The conversation usually goes something like this:

Pumpkin Bread "Hey Niecie, over here"
Me: At this point I usually plug my ears and sing lalalalalalalalalalalals.
Pumpkin Bread (louder) "You know I'm your favorite food"
Me: "So, purple is my favorite color but I don't paint myself purple".
PB: "You did once"
Me: "OK, number one, how did you know that? and B that was a long time ago"
PB:  "Never mind how I know. You need me."
Me: "Pumpkin bread(?) I don't need no stinking Pumpkin Bread! Or sometimes it's just  "Nanny, nanny, boo, boo I no longer need you".

Note to self: do not take mom to the grocery store without shadowing her". This is where many of these enemies lay in wait to pounce into moms grocery basket unnoticed and forgotten.

Something like that anyway. However, sometimes the pumpkin bread is the victorious one. But, I am doing better (once I finished off the pumpkin bread) :/  I didn't go through all that pain and discomfort of surgery and recovery for naught.
People who think I took the easy way to weight loss (which I have been told a few times) are oh, so wrong.

I would love to say I've done it on my own but Gods direction and the help of many family, friends and professionals have played important parts in my success.
Two months of pain, vomiting, diarrhea and pain that continues still with certain foods is not the easy way out.

I am in between sizes now. 3X I walk around holding my pants up. 2X keeps me from breathing on a regular bases. I have giant bat wings and my tummy swings a bit which I think is what is keeping me from sizing down. My neck is showing some loose skin but I can walk farther and breath a little better though some things have gotten more complicated health wise. It's all good and I am sure it will get better.

Other interesting things that have happened since August 2013 is, Lindsay married Derek Bazer, Jackie moved out with her friends, no grand kids yet but my mom is now living with us. Corrin and Luke bought a house and Jackie and Doug Mulder are still together.

Hopefully, you will all be caught up shortly.