Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Steroids Do Not Good Diet Pills Make...mmmmm yes!

Hi all! Well not good news today. Seems like all the steroids and potassium are holding me in limbo! At least that is their explanation. I know I am following the diet very closely but had a frosting less cupcake on Sunday and I am sure that wouldn't explain it.  So, guess it must be the Drugs...sigh. It is still frustrating when you know you are doing all you can do. I am trying to keep in mind it is not my fault...but it is hard. However, I am not wavering on this diet and I will be off of the steroids by the end of the week though I will have to continue the potassium for a couple months. I think that is causing me to retain water. My feet started swelling right after I started taking it.  We shall see.

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. They are gold to me right now. You all are just the best group of people ever!!

I also want to ask the if you go in for a free evaluation at the Metabolic Research Center Pleeeeaaaassssseee
let them know that I recommended you. This will give me an opportunity for free products at the center. I could use this very much as well. If I get enough credit built up then maybe I can help you or others out. The Center I go to is:
Metabolic Research Center
3604 Twin Creek Dr # 111
Bellevue, NE 68123-4079
(402) 682-9000
I really like Andra - she's my favorite - You can request her if you would like.
She is very encouraging but honest. The Evaluation is free but you have to make an appointment.
I think you can give my name at any of the MRC's.

Okay, so, enough about that. I have a question for you...the question is...is your past really the past when it effects your life so much in the present??? I know so many people that can just forget about negative things that have happened to them and go on with completely normal lives completely uneffected by the past. How I envy them! They have a way of just accepting things the way they are and jet past the emotional scars and negative responses.

My pastor speaks of blessing your past because the possitive and negative experiences have helped to make you you.

People say you should feel blessed compared to many others who suffer in the world.

Read the bible more...pray more...worship more...speak positively into your situation don't make negative words.

Well I have done those for my entire christian walk since 1993!!! It doesn't always work. Sometimes you have to attack the root so you can heal. I grew in the church fearing to speak or talk about many of my issues of life. There were a few that I could open up to but not many. And people would judge me because I wasn't like them.

Personally, I see walking through those things as faith because you are dealing with them with the Lord walking beside you and drawing the real you out. Does that make sense? I think if you just ignore the issues pretty soon things get rotten and provide food for the roots of distruction.

What do you think??? Just curious.

Thank you Oh Lord that you are faithful to your word and that you care so much for every intricate part of our lives.
Please watch over my family and friends who are so loyal in praying for me. Bless them, hold them close to your heart and guide them in the areas of their lives where they need your loving, gentle touch the most and heal their bodies their spirits and minds. In Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN!!

Please let me know if you are reading my blog and let me know what you think. My e-mail address is
boden235@hotmail.com. I would love to talk to you share ideas or help to encourage you in any way I can...etc...


  1. 1.) Carl said you would lose and lose and lose but at some point you would reach a "plateau" ~ a point where the losing levels off and you stay the same. I don't know if that's what's happening yet (what with the meds and all) but if you think you're getting to that point, call him and see if he can help you with that. He deals with it all the time.

    2.) As far as your past goes, I somewhat agree with your pastor. All things work for good for them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose (aka, YOU) :) and so when bad things happen to us, or have happened to us, He uses them, sometimes in ways we don't see, for growth, for the comfort of other suffering people, for redirection from a wrong path, or whatever His will is. However, if you're talking about old sins and regrets, God says He will remember them no more. So if those things are coming up, Satan is accusing you, and trying to break you down. Rebuke him and go on living :)

  2. Thanks Steph. I may call Carl tonight.
    There are just areas in my life that I have not overcome yet. I'm working on it but just trying to sort it all out. We will have to talk sometime...Love you!!

  3. I've been reading your blog Denice and it could very well be the steriods that are affecting your weight loss. I've dealt with that myself. You just need to keep on keeping on as you seem determined to do. :-)

    As for the issue of the past. My thought is that sometimes you just plain need to put things behind you and move on in the life that God has given you. We need to press on toward the goal of being one with Him. Satan would like nothing better than to drag us backwards to the pain we've lived with before.

    Blessings on you as you continue on your journey.
