Sunday, February 27, 2011

In the Beginning...

Hello, My name is Niecie and I have been encouraged by many to do a blog about my weight loss/getting healthy journey. I am told this will keep me honest and I know it will help to make it harder to give up, make me more accountableand hopefully encourage others along the way. 8-)
I am at a point in my life where I have no other choice but to lose weight...let me give you some background:
I have been married to a wonderful man for 31 years. Bob is amazingly patient, loving and gentle with me. He has taken up the slack many times when I was unable to fulfill my end of the deal due to my situation.
Bob and I have 4 wonderful daughters, Our oldest is 27 and married. Our 2nd works full time as a restaurant manager and is going to college and studying psychology - I may be in trouble. our 3rd is a Junior in high school and our youngest is a freshman in high school. We have two dogs a bird and four pet rats.
My health is very poor. I am in a wheelchair and can only walk about 5 feet (with great difficulty). And can no longer take care of myself properly and have been informed by my Dr. who, by the way is also a caring and patient person - even when I am stubborn and frustrating to work with that I may want to consider going into a nursing home for a while. Wow! I am 51 so this, to me was devastating news.
I am morbidly obese and though I still don't have the guts to tell you how much I weigh I will say that I need to lose around 200 pounds. I have lung and heart problems, osteoarthritis, fybromyalgia, asthma, COPD, different blood diseases, some are autoimmune, acid reflux, migraines, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen. Not all of these are caused by my weight and most of them can not be cured but losing the weight would make most of them much easier to live with. Not only that but now there are a few surgeries that I can not have that would help me with my quality of life due to the high risk of anesthesia, recovery issues and infection. I am on 24 different medicines. I also struggle with depression and anxiety which will make this blog interesting. I have been pointed at, laughed at, mocked, pitied, judged harshly, criticized, humiliated and cussed at for being obese. Okay, some of it may have been for my attitude but let's not split hairs. :-)
I feel trapped and held captive with my life the way it is right now. Imprisoned in my own body - so to speak.
When I heard the words of Dr. C I contacted a good friend ;from church and we both knew that it was more than a coincidence as she was planning on starting at the Metabolic Research Center to lose a few pounds of her own. My friend Evi is in the medical field so she called my Dr. and rearranged one of my meds so it would be possible for me to go on the "diet".
We went yesterday, 2/26/11. Evi got her instructions but they have to make a special menu for me. Hopefully I will get it this week.
So, I am going to take you on this journey with me, if you want to come of course. I will try to honestly share my thoughts, feelings, progress, the ups and the downs. So please stop in once in a while and share your thought and feelings. Ask questions and keep me on my toes. I need it and hopefully you will be blessed as well.
Don't worry, my future blogs won't be quite so long. This is just to explain my situation and give background info.

God Bless You Always,


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for starting this blog. I am very appreciative and this must be a challenging and scary step but what sounds like a necessary one for you. Please trust you have my full support as I hope I will have yours. One step at a time is where I am going to start. I will pray daily for our strength to move forward to a healthier us.

  2. Enjoyed your blog Decice, I just don't know what that 'nbsp' thing is that keeps getting repeated. Those little things bug me because I don't know what it stands for. :) I will be following you and maybe you'll even inspire me. Maybe all of my comments won't be this long either but I can't make any promises. Love ya like a sis.

  3. Thank you so much guys. I did have to make myself do this but the more I said the better I felt about this. I will be thinking and lifting you in prayer as well.

  4. Denice, I'm excited for you! MRC is how I lost weight too! You can do it! Here's some encouragement:
    What lies behind you and what lies before you is NOTHING compared to what lies within you. Our self worth is not based on what we do, what we have, the things we've accomplished, or even who we are. Our self worth should be based on who lies within us. We are worth it because of Him.

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13

    "Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as if working for the Lord, not for men." Col 3:23

    "My flesh and heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Ps 73:26

    Keep us posted :)

  5. I'm so excited for you Denice! I KNOW you can do this...and hopefully some of us will be inspired to lose right along with you. My God bless you as you start this journey with Him by your side.


  6. Thanks so much for your support! I will keep posting...please keep reading. 8-)

  7. Hey Lady! i decided 2 nights ago to start a blog about my weight loss and new attitude!!! MMMMMMM..........that was the 26th....and it just hit me to do it...coincidence? perhaps not...check out my blog and we can work together!

  8. I am so with you on this journey. He is giving you the desires that are in your heart and leading you on the way. I know it can be hard to share sometimes but then you can get back positiveness and it can feed your spirit and your soul. Love you and praying for you my friend.

  9. Praying for you!!!! may God be with you on every step of this journey!!!

  10. Thanks for sharing your innermost thoughts! I am so sorry you don't have a menu yet---- may I suggest that while you're waiting for it, just fill up your car with gas, then you won't have any money left for food----sure way to lose some weight while you wait for the diet plan/menu!!! Hope your aches and pains go away too!! Feeling lousy is no fun , and drains the energy from you soul! Praying for you!!
