Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Carbs, Carbs Go Away

Wow! So sorry it has been so long. I have been preoccupied lately with some personal things.

So, let's see, okay so last Friday 03/18 I went for a weigh in and had lost 3 more pounds and then today lost 8.5 for a total weight loss of 34.5lbs! I was wondering how I was going to do because I was not feeling well this weekend. Nauseous, headache, weak & shaky. Anyway, it was hard to eat. What little I did eat I had to force, yuck. I am feeling a little better but still not able to eat a lot. I am trying to eat a little bit from everything on my menu and that's even hard. On this diet they say that if you do not eat you don't lose.... hmmm. I have been trying to make sure I eat the proteins and veggies and dairy that does seem to help with this weight loss. I was a carb eater before and really as soon as I started eating protein rich foods I started wanting the carbs less. So it is true that the lean protein foods help with the craving. They also help with binging. That is the #1 secret I have learned so far...

My head has been flooded over the last few days. Seems like my brain is clattering non-stop again. From one thought to another thought to another thought to...you get my drift I am sure. Then you get thoughts interrupting your other thoughts. They say this is ADHD. Yep, added that to my list about two years ago. Who'd a thunk that one huh?

While I am sitting here typing this blog I am babysitting my daughter's rat, Pasta, who is dying. Don't know what happened but she is paralyzed from the neck down. I don't know if it is a stroke or if she was hurt or what. She did eat some banana and licked some orange. Poor Lindsay, She has had bad luck with her rats and she takes good care of them too. She had one die about a year ago also. 

I hope you all are doing well. I can't think of too much more to write now. I had all kinds of ideas at the beginning...ADHD strikes again.


  1. I'm so happy for your weight loss Denice. I really am. Wish I could do it too...I weighed in today with a 1 lb. gain. I tracked everything I put in my mouth too. Oh well, this begins another week for me and with God's help, I WILL do this. Very frustrating. Wish I knew more about the Metabolic Diet that you're doing. Maybe I should check it out. Keep up the good work, it's really encouraging to me.

  2. Thank you Betsy. I am sorry you are having such a hard time losing weight. I truely do understand the frustration - believe me. I have gone years not even trying to diet partly because of the let downs.
    All I can do is tell yo what works for me and maybe it can help you too. I will message you later on FB. God Bless, Betsy and hang in there!
