Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's a Reason Not an Excuse

Well, Evi said I should blog and not eat anything until I finish soooooo, this may be a very short blog, :) lol. Hmmmm, where to start??? Ah, I know,  I wanted to mention that with all of the people who give obese people a hard time by their ignorant and demeaning comments and actions I am just as amazed by the kindness, understanding and compassion of people who want so bad to help but have no idea how.

My primary care physician and his staff are wonderful, they work so hard to help me find answers. I never feel judged, embarrassed or demeaned. It is a safe place for me. My church is another place that people are without judgement - the atmosphere is peaceful and welcoming. There are many caring, encouraging people out there.

Okay, so here's another confession. I am currently seeing a Christian Counselor who has been very instrumental in getting me to the point of change and even wanting to change. Another person who is stepping up to get me past these hurdles and it is another safe place to be. Sometimes I don't want to leave but they frown on clients moving in.  They're funny like that. :-) I can't believe I am telling you all of this! I think the main reason is that I feel more like I am typing a personal journal rather than a "news letter".

I am also very humbled by the response of so many people to this blog. It always surprises me when people other than my brothers and sisters step up to the plate for me, I'm not sure why. My Counselor, Cheryl thinks it is probably some things from my past that keep me held in the belief that I am not worthy. Hmm, okay, Cheryl is very smart about stuff like that. She always ends up being right...I hate that!

Anyway, you think I have avoided the whole diet thing a little too long? That's cause today was a lousy day! Most people in pain or discomfort rest and usually eat little or nothing. Well, guess what? Not me! I wanted everything I saw; almost like sooner or later something was going to make me feel better. Then it is aggravated by the fact that I can do hardly anything. I know, I know excuses right? No, a reason maybe, but not an excuse. Heck, I can eat when I have a stomach virus! Huh, wonder if food is addicting? Gotta say DUH to that one.

I still haven't received my menu from MRC yet but they did say it may take a while because of my physical issues and medications. I do have what they call a Pre-Conditioning Menu & Shopping list. It kind of introduces you slowly to the healthier foods. But what I do not understand is the cooking oil thing. You can have Canola or Olive Olive...but not cooked. You have to eat it raw, on salads etc. I am going with Evi tomorrow afternoon to a class she has to go to and hopefully I will get to ask more questions and let you know how this all works.

Thank you again for your comments of support on this blog, facebook and e-mail!

Be Blessed Always,
Niecie Dee


  1. Apparently the comment in my last blog where I stated that my blogs shouldn't be this long is a big fat lie!

  2. Make them as long as you need. It's good reading :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing God work here, and to cheering you on!

  3. Don't worry about them being too long. I like reading it. I'm so happy you have encouragers in your life. I'm here thinking happy thoughts and sending prayers up that you'll find success in this very soon.

  4. I like your blog too. It's ok if it's long. When people ask me what book I'm reading I'll just tell them 'Weighin in...' :) I'll do what I can to help you in anyway. Please call me when you need to. Love and prayers.

  5. Proud of you! I can so relate to not feeling worthy enough! Hey, you're blessed to have a lot of people in your life that support you in this journey! Will pray for you, as I am wanting to do this for myself as well!
