Monday, March 16, 2015

Am I My Own Evil Twin?

My family would tell you that I am unique, and not necessarily in a good way. A little known fact about me is that up until the time of my birth I was supposed to be a twin. The Dr. heard two heartbeats and everything else that points to twins was there. At that time of course there was no ultra sound or gizmo's that could prove the point except for maybe x-rays which even then were known as dangerous.

Can you imagine two of us running around? Yikes!! Anyway, the elevator my mom was on the day I was born fell (which explains some things) and mom was trapped for a while. She got out and went into labor and when she awoke had only one baby. No one seems to know how the mistake of twins was predicted, but only one of us came out. Sounds fishy to me. Sometimes I fantasize about another one of me out there roaming around. It is a little scary even to me and certainly to my brothers and sisters. And who knows what might have happened back in the day? Maybe someone paid someone off because they wanted a child or maybe something happened to the other one of me in the elevator incident and no one wanted to be held liable. The thoughts go on and on...and on.

When I used to live in South Omaha and would go to K-Mart on 50th and L or Hy-Vee on L street people would insist that I was Debbie who was a regular customer. I never did see this Debbie but one time I missed her by only minutes at the Mart (it's kind of like a Clark Kent/Superman thing going on). Clark is never around when Superman is. Maybe I have an alter-ego like Superman and become amnesiac when she appears. They said they had told her about me so I don't know, maybe she was watching for me too. Heck maybe Debbie was really me, the voices in my head took over and I became Debbie. It could happen.  One time at girl scout camp a counselor insisted I was there the session before. I think she was a little perturbed that I was arguing with her.

I think about how much fun it would have been to dress alike and trade places in class like my dad and my uncle did. My grades would probably have been much better and my teachers would have thought more kindly of me.

Maybe, just maybe, I have an Evil Twin wandering around! Or maybe I'm the Evil Twin, that would certainly explain some of the events of rebellion while growing up. 

Anyway, Debbie, if you're out there and you were born on February 3, 1960 at the old St. Joseph Hospital on 10th Street and was adopted, shoot me a message and we'll have coffee sometime, or if we meet on Wednesday at Village Inn we'll get free pie. Oh, by the way, happy belated birthday!!


God Bless all of you readers with abundant life!!

"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His Love. In whom we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins."
Colossians 1:13&14

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious. And now I'm wondering...lots of coincidences there. And you know what they say about coincidences. Maybe you were a twin who was sold by someone at the hospital. Strange things happened back then. Lots of nooks and crannies to hide a baby in at the old St. Joe. I was a candy striped there and got lost all of the time! :-). Keep us posted if you find Debbie. Inquiring minds want to know.
