Friday, August 2, 2013

Love and Marriage

33 years ago today I married my best friend in the world! We were young (20 and 23) and very naive. Our dreams were big and in our hearts we would live happily ever after. Then God laughed and life happened.
If we have learned nothing else in this life  together we have learned the meaning of patience, perseverance, strength, forgiveness, acceptance, and most of all marriage.
We have not always been "happy" with each other and we have not always been on the same page with our priorities, struggled through many hardships, taken each other for granted but we have always chosen to love each other through those times knowing somehow God would bring us through to the other side, and He did! Each situation we struggled through somehow became less important as we grew together working side by side.
We often stand back in awe as we look at the product of our lives, our legacy. Our children have learned through the good times and hard times too and, though I wish sometimes that they were not involved in the latter, have become stronger for it. God is so good and His Mercy is overwhelming!
I don't know what the future holds for us but I do know I will never take for granted the fact that God will be there and He will work it out for good somehow.
I love you Robert Paul Martin and always will. You make me laugh like no one else. You have been so patient with me and have shown me that you are there for "us", no matter what. You are my soul mate, my life partner and most of all my husband!  

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