Friday, November 9, 2012

All day I have had that stomach virus thing that is going around. It got really bad an hour ago. Jackie is in big trouble, she started it.

I have bragged that I haven't had a stomach virus in three years because of something Hillary Clinton said a few years back. Yes, Hillary.  She said that she ate something spicy every day and since then she had not had any virus's or bacterial infections.

So I started it and guess what, it works! I have not had a stomach infection in 3 years.
My lungs have stayed clear and I have had only a couple of sinus infections (which I used to get all the time) and they weren't as bad. I have a hard time breathing sometimes but that is the heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. Onions and garlic are great too.

I usually like Red Devil Lousiana Hotsauce and put it in just about everything! Until about two weeks ago. Don't know why, but I stopped. Boy am I sorry now!! I doesn't have to be hot peppers either. Bell peppers do it too. So break out the Tabisco, Red Devil or what ever floats your canoe.

I know I'm not exactly a poster child for good health but you might want to give them a try. Here's a story about it all on the bottom of the page.

Thought this would be about politics didn't ya?? Psych!!! Don't worry it's coming. Muhahahahahaha...

Peppers have:
Vitamin A, which may help preserve eyesight, and fend off infections
Vitamin C, which may lower cancer risk and protect against cataracts
Vitamin B6, which is vital for essential chemical reactions throughout the body, including those involving brain and immune function
Lutein and zeaxanthin, which may slow the development of eye diseases, such as cataracts or macular degeneration
Beta-carotene, which may help protect against certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer in women before menopause
Lycopene, which may decrease the risk for ovarian cancer

Story URL:
Story Retrieval Date: 11/9/2012 10:48:01 PM CST


Peter Holderness / Medill
Narthasia Reyes, 47, picks hot peppers with
help from her friend Sandra Webb, 57, at a downtown
farmers market on Tuesday. The women plan to give the
spicy produce to a friend for homemade gardiniere.

Peppers are hot -- as a health and diet aid

by Darren Swan
Oct 02, 2007

Peter Holderness / Medill
The spicier a pepper, the stronger its
health effect.

When it comes to health food, people pick peppers

Hot peppers have been around for more than 6,000 years and now they are taking the medical world by storm.
They have an array of health benefits and it’s time to get them in your diet.
Most authentic Mexican dishes call for some type of hot pepper, whether they be jalapeno, poblano or even chiles—all do the trick. Some sandwiches at your local deli come with pepperoncini or even wax peppers.
However, Dawn Jackson Blatner, registered dietician and author, said people need to get creative in the ways they incorporate these little red, green, yellow, red and orange vegetable fireballs to acquire a taste for some of nature’s piquant foods.
Blatner said hot pepper medicine is exciting because people have these foods already in their cabinets.
“The first take home message for people is that these foods taste good and it can be good for you too,” the Chicago-based nutrition expert said.
“Hot peppers and their active ingredient, capsaicin, acts as an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory agent, reduces risk for heart disease, and is great for people with arthritis or marathoners regarding inflammation. It’s a pretty special spice.”
Preliminary research proposes that adding a teaspoon of cayenne pepper can cause the body to burn an extra 15 calories after eating the meal.
Blatner, a personal cayenne pepper lover, has come up with several different ways to incorporate the food into her diet.
She will burn some whole grain popcorn and sprinkle the pepper on top of it. Adding it to spaghetti sauce is a good way to subdue the strength of the pepper without losing its nutritional value.
Mix some in with a low fat frozen chocolate yogurt can give a peppery touch to dessert. This is a must-have spice to keep in your rack.
The power of plants and vegetables does not surprise dietitians. Hot peppers are phenomenal for the body and these experts in food and diet rely on these to help improve the human condition.
“We know plants are very powerful to protect humans against disease and we use them as much as possible,” she said.
Not everyone loves spicy food or can tolerate it, for that matter.
Sometimes it takes up to 14 food exposures in taste tests or especially with children to get used to a new food.
Blatner, who works with overweight patients at Northwestern Memorial Hospital Wellness Institute in Chicago and is a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, said eating hot peppers is like any other desired health habit.
“Keep practicing and one day you’ll start craving it,’ she said.
The secret is out: hot peppers are the spice to a healthier life.
Capsaicin, the hot pepper’s natural heat-causing component, has been proven to kill cancer cells, prevent sinus infections, serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, provide gastric relief and produce fat oxidation.
A daily dose of hot peppers lets people breath easier, feel less pain and lower their body fat.
Registered Dietitians and medical experts in Chicago are pushing the multitalented and diverse health benefits of hot peppers.
Carla R. Heiser, registered dietitian and managing partner of Body Logic MD in Chicago, advocates diet and lifestyle strategies in conjunction with a cohesive medicinal plan.
“Medication is used to heal and people can use their food to keep the process going to eventually come off the medication," Heiser said. "Successful diet and lifestyle pathways can get us away from a reliance on medications.”
The burn felt while eating a jalapeno, habenero or cayenne pepper comes directly from the food’s capsaicin. Capsaicin, though odorless and flavorless, is primarily found in the pepper’s seeds and ribs, but is also evenly distributed throughout the vegetable’s flesh, according to the Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition.
It retains the unique ability to provoke prostate cancer cell suicide, repress joint pain, block pro-inflammatory chain reactions in the blood and reduce nerve fiber swelling in the brain.
This age-old vegetable has similar effects to those of Aleve, Tylenol, Advil, Tums and chemotherapy all wrapped in one—except this food has zip, taste and no fearful side effects to the consumer beyond a spicy backlash.
The hot pepper’s fuel has the same metabolic effects as Ephedra without containing Ephredra’s negative cardiovascular side effects. It has been added to vitamin and weight loss supplements to increase effectiveness and safety.
A common myth exists that hot peppers cause ulcers and small intestine irritation.
However, research asserts that though spicy food may add to ulcer pain and irritation, it does not function as a cause: Ulcer development has never been factually linked to spicy foods or hot peppers.
Recent experiments at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles provided experimental evidence supporting capsaicin’s ability to halt prostate cell replication and encourage programmed cell death. Heiser said the uncovered benefits of capsaicin are on the right evolutionary road and we as eaters should get on the bandwagon.
“The first path was treating cancer cells with capsaicin and then to use the data to write the study that would then be applied to animals,” she said.
“This is all a scientific process," she said. "We’ll move from a Petrie to replication on an animal model and with good results they are likely to move to human beings. Animals might even be skipped because [hot peppers] are already in our food supply.”
Hot pepper research has become incredibly popular in 2007 with more than 200 placebo-controlled studies conducted in that time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This, That and the Other thing... What was I saying again?

 Hi everyone, I have so much going on in my head right now but, that is nothing new. The ADHD thing is kinda running my life right now. My thinking process can be very entertaining but sometimes a little scary. It is hard for me to concentrate which makes it hard for me to write, which makes it hard to blog. I currently have 2 other blogs started which may explain the issue with getting them out there. This coupled with the other mental issues going on in this brain of mine can make life truly interesting and gives way to my husband and kids daily game of "Which Mom do we Have Today?"

As some of you who have been with me through this know I have been trying to lose weight. Well, I am still trying and it is not working.

I have decided to have gastric bypass surgery. So, to those of you who understand, thank you so much for your support. To those who think I am wimping out or that I am just not trying hard enough - and I have talked to a few of you - I have no apologies. I am aware that it can be done and that many have done it but in that vein I have failed time and time again. This is something I have decided after much prayer, talking to my family, counselor, friends...etc. This is by no means the "Easy Way Out". It will be a long, painful, healing process and hope I will have people who will put their feelings about the procedure aside and encourage me through this.

I have always said that if I could be on a desert Island where my food choices were very limited and healthy for an extended period of time I could get that jump start and be able to change my eating habits. This surgery will be my island and God will be my refuge. I will have to be very limited for a very long time with what I eat and I know this will  also change the way my brain signals when to eat and when not to. This will still be a struggle for me at first but at least I will be forced into compliance with my determination to be healthy. If I do not get healthy now my Dr. says I will probably not live another 7 years. I have moderate Pulmonary Artial Hypertension which caused heart failure and a few autoimmune issues that seem to have been running my life of late. These 'diseases', the Dr.'s say, will not go away but I will be able to function more on a normal level and be around a lot longer to make others miserable with my incredible charm and sarcastic bantor; and then, I take over then I take over the WORLD!!!!! Muuuuuuuuuuuhahahahahahahaha, *cough*. Anyway, prayers would be appreciated during this long drawn out process.

Also, part of this process will include me visiting with a psychiatrist. I already have - Bob said I could keep her - own but apparently that doesn't count. So, those of you who know me really well please pray extra hard!!!! Then you can go back to pretending like you don't. ;-)

Thank you to all who have been with me through this. I will keep you posted and in the next blog, which I have already started (see ADHD) will be coming soon and will be more of a shall we say, thought process theme.

God Bless and love you,


*ADHD stands for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, a syndrome characterized by an impaired ability to regulate activity level (hyperactivity), attend to tasks (inattention), and inhibit behavior (impulsivity). ADHD is thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain that affects the parts controlling attention, concentration and impulsivity.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The WaShawtee Legacy

We were at Waubonsie / Washawtee this last week and of course had a blast! My sister Cindy (Boo) and her girls Allie – 11 and Katie - 8, Patty and my niece Jenna and I all stayed at Windy knoll, Cabin #6. I love my nieces!!!!!

This is the place I come to see the beauty of God. I camped here in the summer from the age of 8 through 17. Trained to be a counselor but never moved forward with the plan.

Sunset At Washawtee 
It seems like no matter how stressful things are, this is the one place I know I can be reminded of God’s omnipotence, power, grace and mercy. It is kind of like stepping into another world. The smell the view the memories all place me in a receptive, humbling submissive heart to the Lord Jesus.  

 My niece’s sense of humor is so cool!! Jenna gave us her version of what sex is, we call it the Loony Tunes version of he birds and the bees as the description reminds us of a cartoonish version of “S. E. X.” I can’t tell you exactly what she said but believe me it had me practically rolling on the floor!

 Allie was just hilarious in conversation she amazes me with her view of the world. She loves camping and nature. We talk a lot about things she finds outside. She and Jenna both enjoy learning about the out of doors and as anyone who knows me well knows I love to talk about that. These girls are smart and they know their stuff.     

 Katie…well Katie’s mind works uniquely and some of the things she comes up with are, hmmm, lets just say interesting. She had me laughing so hard two or three times on Saturday night I was crying! Last year we were informed by Katie that every city has a big dipper and that there are 7 stars in the Milky Way.  Daddy Longlegs are now Deadly Long legs. She also introduced herself as Jovy Bonbondish…I have no clue where that came from.     

 We used to sing some fairly morbid songs at Girl Scout camp. I know some of my friends may think it is wrong to sing about hearses, eating worms, planting watermelon seeds on your grave and let the juice soak through, and other gross out songs. We had a song called “Suffocation” that Jenna and my Lindsay love to sing. I think it is fun and do not see anything wrong with it. There in lies the conundrum, I love teaching the songs because the kids think it is hilarious but sometimes moms and dads don’t see the humor so I kind of limit it to relatives and kids of close friends. Of course we sing Jesus songs and harmless fun songs too but the kids seem to lean towards the gross songs. My sisters are cautiously accepting. J “A little mischief now and then is relished by the wisest men”…Willy Wonka


 Suffocation, we like suffocation.

Suffocation a game we like to play.

First you take a rubber hose

Then you stick it up your nose

Turn it on

Now your gone, weeeeeeeeee 

Yeah I know, there are other verses of course; but you get the idea.

 It is wonderful to pass the memories of Camp Washawtee to the next generation even though it is a little different for them; the love of the WaShawtee experience is still there.

 Lindsay wants to have her wedding there next June. I had nothing to do with that plan; it is all Lindsay’s idea…gotta love it!

I am going to a WaShawtee reunion this coming Sunday, I am soooo excited!! :)

God Bless you all and thank you for reading!!