Friday, July 6, 2012

The WaShawtee Legacy

We were at Waubonsie / Washawtee this last week and of course had a blast! My sister Cindy (Boo) and her girls Allie – 11 and Katie - 8, Patty and my niece Jenna and I all stayed at Windy knoll, Cabin #6. I love my nieces!!!!!

This is the place I come to see the beauty of God. I camped here in the summer from the age of 8 through 17. Trained to be a counselor but never moved forward with the plan.

Sunset At Washawtee 
It seems like no matter how stressful things are, this is the one place I know I can be reminded of God’s omnipotence, power, grace and mercy. It is kind of like stepping into another world. The smell the view the memories all place me in a receptive, humbling submissive heart to the Lord Jesus.  

 My niece’s sense of humor is so cool!! Jenna gave us her version of what sex is, we call it the Loony Tunes version of he birds and the bees as the description reminds us of a cartoonish version of “S. E. X.” I can’t tell you exactly what she said but believe me it had me practically rolling on the floor!

 Allie was just hilarious in conversation she amazes me with her view of the world. She loves camping and nature. We talk a lot about things she finds outside. She and Jenna both enjoy learning about the out of doors and as anyone who knows me well knows I love to talk about that. These girls are smart and they know their stuff.     

 Katie…well Katie’s mind works uniquely and some of the things she comes up with are, hmmm, lets just say interesting. She had me laughing so hard two or three times on Saturday night I was crying! Last year we were informed by Katie that every city has a big dipper and that there are 7 stars in the Milky Way.  Daddy Longlegs are now Deadly Long legs. She also introduced herself as Jovy Bonbondish…I have no clue where that came from.     

 We used to sing some fairly morbid songs at Girl Scout camp. I know some of my friends may think it is wrong to sing about hearses, eating worms, planting watermelon seeds on your grave and let the juice soak through, and other gross out songs. We had a song called “Suffocation” that Jenna and my Lindsay love to sing. I think it is fun and do not see anything wrong with it. There in lies the conundrum, I love teaching the songs because the kids think it is hilarious but sometimes moms and dads don’t see the humor so I kind of limit it to relatives and kids of close friends. Of course we sing Jesus songs and harmless fun songs too but the kids seem to lean towards the gross songs. My sisters are cautiously accepting. J “A little mischief now and then is relished by the wisest men”…Willy Wonka


 Suffocation, we like suffocation.

Suffocation a game we like to play.

First you take a rubber hose

Then you stick it up your nose

Turn it on

Now your gone, weeeeeeeeee 

Yeah I know, there are other verses of course; but you get the idea.

 It is wonderful to pass the memories of Camp Washawtee to the next generation even though it is a little different for them; the love of the WaShawtee experience is still there.

 Lindsay wants to have her wedding there next June. I had nothing to do with that plan; it is all Lindsay’s idea…gotta love it!

I am going to a WaShawtee reunion this coming Sunday, I am soooo excited!! :)

God Bless you all and thank you for reading!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Niece Dee,
    Just reminiscing about WaShawtee myself as I was a camp counselor there for about 5 summers form 1981 to 1986. (My camp name was "Fitz"!)Have lost touch with most of the old camp staff that I used to work with but would love to know about any WaShawtee reunions that might be out there. I can be reached at Anyway, I enjoyed your post!!! Thanks for sharing.
