Friday, August 2, 2013

Love and Marriage

33 years ago today I married my best friend in the world! We were young (20 and 23) and very naive. Our dreams were big and in our hearts we would live happily ever after. Then God laughed and life happened.
If we have learned nothing else in this life  together we have learned the meaning of patience, perseverance, strength, forgiveness, acceptance, and most of all marriage.
We have not always been "happy" with each other and we have not always been on the same page with our priorities, struggled through many hardships, taken each other for granted but we have always chosen to love each other through those times knowing somehow God would bring us through to the other side, and He did! Each situation we struggled through somehow became less important as we grew together working side by side.
We often stand back in awe as we look at the product of our lives, our legacy. Our children have learned through the good times and hard times too and, though I wish sometimes that they were not involved in the latter, have become stronger for it. God is so good and His Mercy is overwhelming!
I don't know what the future holds for us but I do know I will never take for granted the fact that God will be there and He will work it out for good somehow.
I love you Robert Paul Martin and always will. You make me laugh like no one else. You have been so patient with me and have shown me that you are there for "us", no matter what. You are my soul mate, my life partner and most of all my husband!  

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The God of Science

I love documentaries and watch them as often as I can - mostly when Bob and the kids are not around.
Lately, there have been many docs on the Bible as archeologist and other scientist try to explain the Word of God away in a secular fashion. However, God is a God of logic and truth. 
 There are so many that try so hard to scientifically disprove the authenticity of the Word of God yet argue that those things proven, by the same laws of science they are akin too, are no more than coincidence.
Science is amazing and the drive to know God is the catalyst of scientific thought and discovery, at least that is my theory.
Of late I see science that bases fact on theory and consensus rather than fact - so much so that instead of even considering the Bible or the fact that a creator could possibly be real is more easily written off as the contact of "Space Aliens" to explain the Bible. These are the same people that call us closed minded.
People are amazing to me. Even the disciples questioned what happened before their very eyes, when they witnessed the Lord performing miracles, rather than believing. Peter was actually walking on the water with the Lord at his side yet doubt came in and stole his miracle away and he sank. We as Christians are no different. We have seen miracles and prayers answered yet when we are afraid or need a prayer answered we do everything in 'our power' before we consider faith and trust in our God because of our continued doubt. If we truly believed wouldn't that be the first place we would go?

Below is one of my bookmark pages and contains "scientific" truths that lend relevance and proof that the Judeo-Christian Bible had to be inspired by "The Creator of the Universe". It is very interesting.

The God of Science

Science is a systematic knowledge of the physical or material universe gained by observable facts. The sacred writings of all world religions basically contain a system of faith. Yet each do make statements within the province of science that provides a uniquely valid test to prove their authenticity. If their scientific observations are in reality superstitions reflective of the culture in which they were written, these so called sacred books are disqualified as the inspired Scripture of God. If, indeed, the scientific observations of any of these purported Holy Scripture agree with the facts of science today, then that Bible is the inspired Word of a true and living God. Why? The Creator and God of the universe is the God of science — the author of the scientific laws that govern His universe. Only the God of science could cause scientific facts to be recorded in a book —the Bible — hundreds or thousands of years before scientists discover them.
Only the Judeo-Christian Bible contains scientific facts that anticipated scientific discovery by hundreds and in some cases several thousand years. The following are examples of remarkable scientific observations found in the Judeo-Christian Bible.
What Holds the Earth Up?
Three thousand years ago the Hindu scriptures recorded the earth was resting on the backs of several huge elephants. The elephants were resting on the back of a very large turtle that was swimming in a sea. Greek mythology claims that the god Atlas was holding the earth on his shoulders. But our Bible says in Job 26:7 — "[God] hangeth the earth on nothing." What a remarkable statement of fact. The earth is suspended in space. Nothing is holding it up. Job wrote about the same time the Hindu Scripture was written. How did Job know this scientific fact? Only God could have revealed this to Job. The Old Testament prophets wrote as they were moved by the holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). The Judeo-Christian Bible is the inspired Word of God.
Flat Versus Round Earth
For thousands of years people believed the earth was flat. If one went too far, he would fall over the edge. This was taught in both Hindu and Buddhist scripture. In the 1500s, the first ship sailed around the world. This proved the earth was round. But the round earth was recorded in the Judeo-Christian Bible long before man discovered it in the 1500s.
The prophet Isaiah (40:22) spoke of the "circle of the earth." Solomon wrote, "He [God] set a compass [circle] upon the face of the deep." Proverbs 8:27. In our century, Arabs spoke of infidels being pushed over the edge into space. About 3,000 years ago, our Bible said the earth was round. This was not discovered until 500 years ago. Indeed, the Judeo-Christian Bible is the inspired Word of God.
Sun, Moon and Stars — Who? What?
Ancient people were afraid of the sun, moon and stars. They thought they were alive — that they were gods. But over 5,000 years ago, the Judeo-Christian Bible in the first chapter of Genesis pointed out that the sun, moon and stars were created by God. Remember, our God states that He is the one and only God. This proves the sun, moon and stars that He created are not gods.
Eclipses are an example of what people feared. An eclipse happens when the sun’s light is blocked by the earth or moon. The moon is bright because it reflects the sun’s light. But when the earth blocks that light, the moon looks like it is disappearing. Also, when the moon comes between the earth and the sun, it looks like the sun is disappearing.
This was frightening to people long ago. Some thought eclipses happened when the moon was mad at the earth and turned its face away. The Chinese believed that an eclipse was caused by a demon or some huge animal that ate the sun and then would give them up again. God told Jeremiah (10:2 KJ): "Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them." God went on to reassure Jeremiah that the universe is under God’s control.
Later scientists learned that heavenly bodies were not alive and that man need not fear them. Thousands of years before scientists discovered that the planetary bodies were inanimate, the Judeo-Christian Bible contained this scientific fact.
The Bottom of the Ocean
Until modern times people thought the ocean floor was sandy like the desert and saucer shaped—deepest in the middle. This was even true of the pre-1900 geologists. But in the 1900s oceanographers found the sea had many deep valleys or canyons. The deepest canyons were called trenches. The Marianas Trench in the Pacific is so deep that if Mt. Everest (29,000 feet high) was dropped into it, the peak would still be a mile below the water’s surface. There are also underwater mountains. The Atlantic Ocean contains an undersea range of mountains 10,000 miles long.
In addition, 3,000 years ago the Judeo-Christian Bible spoke of the valleys and mountains of the sea. In Psalm 18:15 (NIV) David wrote of God being the creator of "the valleys of the sea." God asked Job (38:16 NIV): "Have you walked in the recesses [valleys] of the sea?" The prophet Jonah was thrown off a ship and spoke of falling to the bottom of the mountains in the sea (Jonah 2:6).
The Judeo-Christian Bible spoke of the valleys and mountains of the sea thousands of years before scientists discovered them. Indeed our Bible is the inspired Word of God.
The Paths of the Sea
In the 1800s, Matthew Maury, an officer in the United States Navy believed his Bible. As a Christian he loved to read the Bible. One day Maury was reading about the dominion man was given over the animals in Psalm 8. He was amazed that verse 8 spoke of the fish and all creatures that swim in the "paths of the sea." "Paths of the sea"— how could this be? He never knew there was such a thing. He was determined to find them. Maury discovered that the oceans have many paths or currents, which were like rivers flowing through the sea. Maury wrote the first book on oceanography and became known as "the pathfinder of the seas"— "The father of modern navigation."
Maury received his idea about ocean currents from reading Psalm 8:8 which was written about 3,000 years ago by King David. David wrote as he was moved by the Spirit of God and probably never actually saw an ocean.
Incidentally, Psalm 8:8 also spoke of fish in the "paths of the seas." All fishing boats make a good catch in the currents or paths of the sea. They have learned this is where the fish swim.
Lightning, Thunder and Rain
In ancient times, most religious scripture taught that lightning bolts were missiles thrown in anger by their gods.9 In China, Taoist scripture regarded the rainbow as a deadly rain dragon.10 In Confucius scripture, the goddess of lightning, Tien Mu, flashed light on intended victims to enable Lei Kung, the god of thunder to launch his deadly bolts accurately.11
Since rain is so necessary to life, ancient people pondered what caused it. Some tried to stab holes in the clouds with spears. The Vedas (Hindu scripture) advised to tie a frog with its mouth open to the right tree and say the right words and rain would fall.
Our Bible also talks about rain, lightning and storms. But it contains none of these superstitious ideas found in the other so- called scriptures. The Judeo-Christian Bible taught that earth’s weather followed rules and cycles. Genesis 8:22. "While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
Job stated (28:26): "God made decrees [rules] for the rain. And He set a way for the lightning of the thunder:" Centuries later, scientists began to discern the "rules for the rain" that Job talked about. Rainfall is part of a process called the water cycle. Here’s how the cycle works. The sun evaporates water from the ocean. That water vapor rises and becomes clouds. This water in the clouds falls back to earth as rain, collects in streams and rivers and makes its way back to the ocean. That process repeats itself again and again.
About 300 years ago, Galileo discovered this cycle. But amazingly the Scriptures described this cycle centuries before. The prophet Amos (9:6) wrote that God "calls for the water of the sea. He pours them out on the land." How did Amos know this? He wrote as he was moved by the Spirit of God.
Actually, scientists are just beginning to fully understand God’s "decrees or rules for the rain." Since 68 BC it was thought that somehow thunder triggered the rainfall. Now scientists are beginning to realize that as stated in Job 28:26, it is lightning that triggers the rain to fall. Job knew this 3,000 years ago. Certainly his writings were inspired of God (2 Peter 1:21).
Pleiades, Orion and Arcturus
pleides.jpg (5429 bytes)
Remember the story of Job? Job was extremely wealthy — enjoying a wonderful family. Then tragedy struck. He lost his wealth. His children were killed and his wife deserted him. Then Job lay in excruciating pain, covered with sores from head to toe. All this was too much for Job. He accused the Lord of being unjust. God didn’t answer Job’s accusation directly. He merely raised questions concerning the wonders of His creation. Three of these questions found in Job 38:31, 32, illustrate the dynamic logic conveyed in God’s questions.
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
"Canst thou . . . loose the bands of Orion?" Garrett P. Serviss, the noted astronomer, wrote about the bands of Orion12 in his book CURIOSITIES OF THE SKY.
At the present time this band consists of an almost perfect straight line, a row of second-magnitude stars about equally spaced and of the most striking beauty. In the course of time, however, the two right-hand stars, Mintaka and Alnilam, will approach each other and form a naked-eye double; but the third, Alnitak, will drift away eastward so that the band will no longer exist.
In other words, one star is traveling in a certain direction at a certain speed, a second one is traveling in a different direction at a second speed, and the third one is going in a third direction and at a still different speed. Actually every star in Orion is traveling its own course, independent of all the others. Thus, these stars that we see forming one of the bands of Orion are like three ships out on the high seas that happen to be in line at the present moment, but in the future will be separated by thousands of miles of ocean. In fact, all these stars that at the present time constitute the constellation of Orion are bound for different ports, and all are journeying to different corners of the universe, so that the bands are being dissolved.
THE PLEIADES "Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades . . . ?" Notice the amazing astronomical contrast with the Pleiades. The seven stars of the Pleiades are in reality a grouping of 250 suns. Photographs now reveal that 250 blazing suns in this group are all traveling together in one common direction. Concerning this cluster, Isabel Lewis of the United States Naval Observatory tells us: 13
Astronomers have identified 250 stars as actual members of this group, all sharing in a common motion and drifting through space in the same direction.
Elsewhere Lewis speaks of them as "journeying onward together through the immensity of space."
From Lick Observatory came this statement of Dr. Robert J. Trumpler:14
Over 25,000 individual measures of the Pleiades stars are now available, and their study led to the important discovery that the whole cluster is moving in a southeasterly direction. The Pleiades stars may thus be compared to a swarm of birds, flying together to a distant goal. This leaves no doubt that the Pleiades are not a temporary or accidental agglomeration of stars, but a system in which the stars are bound together by a close kinship.
Dr. Trumpler said that all this led to an important discovery. Without any reference whatsoever to the Book of Job, he announced to the world that these discoveries prove that the stars in the Pleiades are all bound together and are flying together like a flock of birds as they journey to their distant goal. That is exactly what God said. "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades?" In other words, Canst thou keep them bound together so that they remain as a family of suns?
INCREDIBLE! God's laws of cosmology are loosing or dissolving the constellation Orion. Sometime in the far distant future, Orion will be no more. Conversely, wonder of wonders — every last one of the 250 blazing suns in the Pleiades are ordained of God to orbit together in their symmetrical beauty throughout eternity.
ARCTURUS "Canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?" Garrett P. Serviss wrote:15
Arcturus, one of the greatest suns in the universe, is a runaway whose speed of flight is 257 miles per second. Arcturus, we have every reason to believe, possesses thousands of times the mass of our sun. Think of it! Our sun is traveling only 12 ½ miles a second, but Arcturus is traveling 257 miles a second. Think then of the prodigious momentum this motion implies.
A further observation of Arcturus by Serviss reveals: 16
It could be turned into a new course by a close approach to a great sun, but it could only be stopped by collision head on with a body of enormous mass. Barring such accidents, it must, as far as we can see, keep on until it has traversed our stellar system, whence it may escape and pass out into space beyond to join perhaps one of those other island universes of which we have spoken.
Charles Burckhalter, of the Chabot Observatory, added an interesting note regarding this great sun: 17
This high velocity places Arcturus in that very small class of stars that apparently are a law unto themselves. He is an outsider, a visitor, a stranger within the gates; to speak plainly, Arcturus is a runaway. Newton gives the velocity of a star under control as not more than 25 miles a second, and Arcturus is going 257 miles a second. Therefore, combined attraction of all the stars we know cannot stop him or even turn him in his path.
When Mr. Burckhalter had his attention called to this text in the book of Job, he studied it in the light of modern discovery and made a statement that has attracted worldwide attention:18
The study of the Book of Job and its comparison with the latest scientific discoveries has brought me to the matured conviction that the Bible is an inspired book and was written by the One who made the stars.
The wonders of God’s universe never cease to amaze us. Arcturus and his sons are individual runaway suns that seem to be out of orbit in our galaxy. Traveling at such incredible speeds, why don’t they crash with other suns or planets? Where are they headed? Only God knows. Indeed they are not runaways. They will not crash. Why? God is guiding them.
The Lesson of The Pleiades, Orion, and Arcturus
Few have suffered the multiple tragedies of Job. How could God reach through the enormity of Job’s self-pity? (Job thought God just didn’t care.) In these three questions (Job 38:31, 32) God is in reality saying:
Job, you think I am not concerned about your suffering. Well, let Me ask you these questions. Can you loose the bands of Orion? No, you cannot. But My Divine power will. Some day Orion will no longer exist. Job, can you bind the 250 stars of the Pleiades together in their symmetry of beauty and not have a single one drift off? Only I have this power and wisdom. Can you prevent the runaways — Arcturus and his sons — from colliding as they go dashing out of the Milky Way? No, only My Divine power and wisdom can.
Job, if I am caring for the details of the universe, do you doubt that I not only care for the details of your life, but I have the ability to solve your problems? Trust that there is a good reason I am permitting these tragedies. Remember, Job, I work from the perspective of your eternal welfare.
What an awesome way God chose to tell Job that He was in full control of human affairs, including Job's life!
The Lesson of Job for Us
Some write off the history of Job as Old Testament folklore. Whoever heard of God talking to a man! These are hand-me-down tales! However, the account of Job cannot be gainsaid. Whatever the method of communication used by God, the astonishing facts cannot be refuted. These scientific facts recorded in the book of Job concerning the Pleiades, Orion and Arcturus anticipated scientific discovery by nearly 3,000 years. Scientists only discovered these startling facts in the Twentieth Century, yet they were recorded in the book of Job nearly 3000 years ago. What an awesome confirmation of the Bible! Who can doubt the Bible is the inspired word of God? Yes, the book of Job has a powerful, exclusive lesson for modern man. Twentieth Century science has proven God’s Word, the Bible, is true.
Other Sacred Books and the Physical Sciences
The Hindu scriptures, the Vedas and Uparushads, consider that "all the objects and phenomena of nature which man is surrounded, are animate and divine."19 This includes the sun, moon, earth, clouds, rain, rivers, seas and rocks as being alive. Writers of the Buddhist canon also ascribe life to numerous non-living objects— sun, moon, lightning, rainbows, mountains, etc. The Taoist and Confucian writings of China contain similar errors.
The Koran, the scripture of Islam, written 1,500 years after the Hindu scripture, does not contain many of the ancient superstitions. Yet its observations of the universe are seriously flawed. The Koran speaks of seven literal heavens which are solid.20 These heavens contain lamps or stars whose main purpose is to be "darted at the devils."21 Mohammed wrote that "the sun sets in a sea of black mud."22
Which Bible is Inspired by a Living God?
The Judeo-Christian Scripture made scientific observations that were confirmed centuries later by modern science, while the sacred scripture of other world religions merely reflected the scientific superstitions of their culture. How could the Judeo-Christian Scripture anticipate scientific discovery by 3,000 years? The Judeo-Christian Bible was written by men who were inspired by the Creator and God of the Universe — the God of science. Only the Judeo-Christian Bible is the Divine Revelation provided by our infinite Creator to direct us in the path to eternity.

10 Douglas, CONFUCIANISM AND TAOISM, pp. 260-271.
11 Williams C.A.S., OUTHLINES OF CHINESE SYMBOLISM AND ART MOTIVES, (Dover Publications Inc.).
12 Garrett P. Serviss, CURIOSITIES OF THE SKY.
13 Phillip L. Knox, WONDER WORLDS (Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Assoc., 1964) p.61
14 Ibid.
15 Serviss.
16 Ibid.
17 Knox, p. 60.
18 Ibid.
19 MacDonell, A. A., VEDIC MYTHOLOGY, (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1974) p. 2.
20 THE KORAN, Trans. George Sale (London: Frederick Warne, 1909) pp. 5, 541.
21 Ibid., p. 567.
22 Ibid., p. 294.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

"So long 2012" - "Yay 2013!!"

Hello friends, glad to be able to blog to you all!!

Well, this year is definitely a welcome sight as last year was a long and stressful one. This is the year of change for me and the rest of my family. Lindsay is getting married in June. Jackie will probably be moving out and Bob and I will be on our own...maybe, and I will be having gastric surgery!

So much happened in 2012 and our family went through a lot of ups and downs. But, in the end, we are all together, standing strong and in unity. God is so very good and so very full of mercy and grace! Sometimes that is all we have to fall back on.

This year will be one of many changes. Lindsay is getting married this summer. That is very hard for me to believe. Her Fiance Derek is a great guy and is going to school at Grace University and will soon become a Pastor. He is going for his masters and is interested in possibly teaching as well. Lindsay will be going in to Radiology and is attending UNO. They are young but this is definitely a God Thing and is simply meant to be. They knew they would be together before they started dating. God is so Good.

Ok, now for the Weight Issues... I am still waiting for the Okay from Medicare for the surgery. In the mean  time I am trying very hard to lose the 20 pounds I have left to lose before the surgery. I gained weight over the holidays so it has been hard.

I am doing the high protein low carb portion control thing. I am planning on going on a liquid diet here shortly which I will need to be on before surgery. No sugar, no caffeine  except for 1cup of coffee a day, So, I will mostly be drinking water, broth, protein shakes and skim milk with powdered milk mixed together... mm mm mm. You are supposed to be on this diet 2 weeks before the surgery so I figure I might as well be on it now so that when the ok is given I'll be ready and maybe be able to speed the process up. I want to get it done ASAP so I will be ready for the wedding.

I started the YMCA for the water exercises and such. I've been there twice. The second time I felt more self-conscious. The class is co-ed and the people are older so they are nice but the kids and teens running around make me nervous. So, I put up my wall of protection. I smile and try to talk to people all the time hoping someone doesn't notice me and say something to hurt my feelings. Most of the time I can handle it and just let it fall off when I hear something derogatory or see somebody snicker but sometimes I get caught up in the humiliation of the situation. Today was one of those days. They have a special needs changing and shower room and I broke the bench and fell on the floor. Jackie happened to be in the room outside the shower which was bad enough but I had to finish showering, get dressed and tell the desk person. In my defense the special needs bench was screwed in and not bolted in as I think it should have been and it did look like this situation had happened before but, I felt like a loser.  The staff handled it well and were apologetic and acted like it was no big deal which helped me a lot.  So, it is what it is and things like this may happen from time to time.  Anyway, today was quite the adventure. I know this all sounds pathetic but it is how I feel and what my life is like as a morbidly obese individual. And though I will probably laugh myself about the bench thing - it was classic - keep in mind when you see an XXL person they are probably uncomfortable in their skin and afraid how they will be treated. Treat them like you would anyone else.

So, for this year, I can't wait to see my daughter walk "down the isle" so to speak as they are getting married outdoors! I can't wait to be able to not have to worry about where I am going to sit or if I can sit at all and not have to take my chair when I leave the house. I can't wait to walk into Walmart or JC Penny and buy something off the rack. I can't wait for the amazing changes that will happen this year!!

GOD IS SO GOOD, and all of the things that the enemy has meant for bad my Lord has turned it into GOOD!

Blessings of Peace and the abundance of God's Love to you all!
