Saturday, March 12, 2011

Plan it, Eat it, Bon Appetit it! ( My New Menus Here, My New Menus Here)

First of all I have a couple of prayer request. If you would please pray for my cousin in. She has some health issues of her own as well as caring for my Aunt who is elderly. My cousin has been having a hard time holding a job due to her physical limitations. She is going to apply for disability as she feels she has tried every other way to make things work. I've been in that place and it is NOT a good place to be.

Secondly, my good friend, Marilyn lost her daughter, Michelle - 21, in a car accident 6 years ago today. Please lift the family in prayer. She has 2 sisters Amy and Elizabeth and a brother Andrew as well who miss her very much, this is a very hard time for them. Michelle was an amazing young woman and Corrin's best friend. I was lucky enough to teach her in Sunday school for a few years and am proud to have her as a part of my families life.

Thirdly, some family friends have lost a newborn baby as well so please pray for the Barrientos family too. It is very sad and very hard for them. ========================================================================

Well, finally! My new menu has come in and it is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! It is looking like I can eat most of the things I like. It is going to make things a lot easier for me. Looking at the list I don't see how I can even eat that much. We shall see... (the next day Wed. 3/9)...Nope, couldn't do it. Hmmm..I am sure that after I mess around with it a little bit I will be able to conger up some simple meals using everything on my menu. It seems like all I do is plan and eat, hence the title of this blog. At least I'm staying focused right? : )

This is my fourth day on the diet and I can tell there are some changes. I weighed in yesterday and as of then I had lost....dadadada....9 POUNDS!!! The swelling in my left leg already seems to be going down a lot which means the water weight is finally coming off.  It seemed that no matter what I did the leg kept swelling. My right leg was doing okay...go figure. It is still not where I want it to be (gotta stop here and say too my family - no, I am not referring to the location of my leg on my body) but hopefully with consistency I can get rid of the swelling.

It has come to mind recently, and even into conversation, how we use so many excuses to explain away our behavior. We search and search for a way to justify our actions. We use science, psychology, logic, lying, covering up, whatever information that in any way supports our actions. Many seem to want to turn to genetics as an explanation. However, I can pretty much guarantee you can find as much information that will support your side of the argument as your opponent can find to support his/hers.

Someone said to me this last week that he is the way he is and that the way he was wasn't a choice and that no one would want to be this way given the choice. I had to beg to differ, we as a whole seem to wallow in selfindulgence and instant gratification, no matter what the cost. Then we walk away feeling unfulfilled. I am living a life that is very hard and painful to live in and have given into my 'desires'. It is sad and lonely to believe you have no chance of success or victory. I know, I have been there. Who would want to live this way if they had a choice? Not me, but look how miserable I have become. I have been told time and time again that I am a victim of genetics, I also have a psychological background conducive of obesity and psychological issues and at one time had fallen completely for those explanations. Now I see them as reasons for my situation but not, as one of my favorite quotes go, an excuse. On the genetic side, I may struggle a little harder, maybe a lot harder than some in weight control but that doesn't mean I can't get it done. Is it going to go against my urges and desire for food? Yep. Is it going to be a struggle? Yep. But I know I will feel better about myself in the end and be happier.

I have found too a freedom in 'confession' and recognition of my imperfections and the truth that God cherishes and loves me anyway even though I am unworthy, as are we all, He still loves me and calls me by his name...WOW! Let that sink in because it is the same for you as well. On your worst day, in your darkest hour, through the tears and through the storms He continues to love you. You are His favorite creation and He longs for you to meet with Him.

What is it that I start of talking about loosing weight and end up on a spiritual or philosophical note...hmmm...wonder if it is in the genes, LOL??

Thank you friends for your continued comments, prayers and support. Everyday I am humbled to know there are so many out there who care so much.  Please give me feed back by commenting here or as most have been doing on facebook and e-mail. If you see me around do not be afraid to check up on me...I need the accountability and encouragement.

Be Blessed Always,
Lord watch over my friends and keep them safe. Let us remember Lord that your will for us is so much better than ours and that you are with us even when we do not 'feel it'. In JESUS name AMEN.


  1. Congratulations! Nine Pounds in 4 days! I'm so happy for you. God is good.

  2. Thanks! Betsy I am lifting you up to the Lord in prayer!

    Thanks Steph! As always you guys are always in my prayers!

  3. You need 'accountability and encouragement' but do you need your veggies? lol I'm getting kinda tired of this in the van out of the van stuff. They've been on one of my dining room chairs all week. (Again.) Hopefully I'll see you in the morning. Free luch. If it's on your menu. :)

  4. Sorry about the veggie situation. We missed church last week but will be there tomorrow. :)
