Monday, March 7, 2011

Dear Bloggery

"Thank you Lord for all of my family and friends! You have blessed me mightily with them. Teach me to return the same in kind and bless them. Amen!"

No menu yet! I am sure I am not the easiest person in the world, diet wise, to make a menu for that I can actually follow with all these health issues and the medicines I take. I think I am doing better on my eating. I have pretty much eliminated sugar except for a sprinkle here and there. My salt intake has decreased by about two cups a day  :0).

Alright, so, yesterday we overslept and missed church. I am a little angry at myself about that because I distinctly remember turning off my alarm clock. I was awake until three due to some issues I was having with aches and pains, trying to not take any extra hydrocodone. Of course everyone I have talked to regarding the service have said it was amazing...UGH! I mean I am glad everyone there was blessed but come on God. :)  Hopefully the service will be on the church website. Ah huh, see how I worked that in there...clever huh? ;)

Today again, was not one of my better days. It was long and drawn out. I found a couple of other things that I can't do because of my left shoulder. *blog flashback* ~~~~doddle loddle do~~~~~I fell a few weeks back and messed up my knee and a bunch of other stuff. Well, I had my right arm and shoulder x-rayed at the time. Everything came back ok except for an old injury in my right shoulder which I kind of figured I had. I think I hurt it pretty bad about 6-9 months ago when I went to reach for something.  Anyway, the next day everything  hurt and yada, yada, yada I can hardly move my left arm. It seems to be getting worse and I really do not want to call my Dr. office again. I just get this mental picture of the nurses hearing my voice on the answering machine and scrambling in all directions away from the phone shouting "NOT IT"! I know they don't think that way but I do, they even get a little miffed, I think, when I refer to myself as 'The Problem Child'. They really are quite an amazing group of people. I do not know how the people in the medical field do it...I really don't.

Cindy (Boo), my sister and my mom, came over last night. We had a nice visit. They've been reading my blog too so we talked about that, the items we are needing to help with power chair transportation. We need one of those trailer type thingamajigs that can haul my power chair. We need one that can fold up against the car because our driveway is not long enough to keep the trailer attached. Once I can walk a little without help, I will have some relative independence. Right now I have to have someone take me everywhere. I can no longer do it by myself. I have the manual chair now which means we don't have to constantly load and un load the power chair via the ramp but the power chair, however, in many situations, is better to have so I can move about to talk to people at church and other gatherings.  Mom and Boo are both pitching in on the metabolic diet stuff which I am so grateful for...I can always count on my family. My family is pretty cool. You can borrow them sometime if you would like.

I am the oldest of five, My brother Dan is next in line and has a PhD in business. He has a beautiful wife Tammy, and 3 amazing kids - all adults now. Right now he is teaching business via computer at Southern Columbia University. He also has a Masters in  something having to do with environmental hazards. I'm never quite sure. We were best buds growing up and I knew he was very intelligent despite driving my car on the lake of ice when he was 15 or trying to explain the flow of electricity by hooking his friend up to the spark plug of the lawn mower. I am still laughing at that one but not so much the car thing. He is still a dork but a little more of an intellectual dork.

My sister Patty is a Human Resource Director for a local manufacturing company. She is married to a great guy. Patty is amazing! She has 2 boys in collage and a daughter (we're buds) in Jr. High. She works full time, her kids were always involved in sports track, basketball, volleyball, hockey and baseball. She is seriously involved in school parent teacher organization. She's a mad women. She's very level headed and realistic.  She can make me laugh so hard.

Frank is my youngest brother, he is a divorced father of two awesome boys. He is currently dating Cheri who I like very much, she has three great kids too. Frank is a firefighter and for a couple years served as Vice President of the local firefighters union. He dropped out last year before the election so he could spend more time with his boys. He's a pretty neat guy and I kind of like him. However, he like his Dr. brother before him, is a dork. I don't think brothers ever grow out of it...They remain forever ornery and obnoxious. The only difference I can think of is they now have nieces, nephews and children of their own to torment...mostly Frank...

My baby sister is too cool. She works for a big insurance company and is a Contract Analyst. She is married to a terrific guy, Dave who is also a firefighter. She is the dedicated mom of two beautiful and hysterically funny girls. When we go camping her oldest calls me her 'camp mom' Her oldest is 10 and her youngest is 7, I think. She has been very supportive of me in this attempt to lose weight.

Thank you so much for holding me up in your prayers!

Be Blessed Always, 8: )
Niecie Dee   

"Father God you alone are mighty to the pulling down of the strongholds in our lives. I thank you that you have called us by your name through the blood of your son and counted us worthy to be called the sons of God. I thank you Lord that every imperfection in us becomes perfect in you and that you are quick to answer our prayers. I thank you too that your grace and mercy towards us is never ending and your love for us extravagant.
Lord lead us and guide us by your powerful yet gentle hand. Show us the direction you want us to go that we may walk in it and empower us Lord Jesus to overcome our weaknesses by handing it all over to you and stepping out of the way so that you may bring the victory, that already exists in your plan for us, into our lives. Be glorified in us oh Lord today. In Jesus name AMEN!!!"
(and thank you God for spell check).

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