Saturday, April 16, 2011

We are Gods favorite (nana-nana-nana)

Well, I have had an interesting week...imagine that. First off let's get the weight thing out of the way...I gained 1/2 pound which is odd because I was on a clear liquid diet all Tuesday and ate nothing Wednesday, ate very little on Thursday and Friday morning before weigh in I had yogurt and a protein bar. They have been telling me that if I do not eat I do not lose.  Apparently they are correct. So, I am a little frustrated. It seems like when I am eating the most I lose the most. *sigh* Sounds a little Twilight Zone-ish to me.

This weekend I am going to be really serious about getting the diet started again. I am off to a good start today. So, hopefully I will see results soon. I better!! Now, I just have to get the swelling in my legs down and drink megatons of problem.

This week I have been thinking about who we are in the eyes of Christ verses who we are in our own eyes. It is apparent that most see themselves as far less than they really are. If we could only grasp part of the love that the Lord has for us we would always be walking on sunshine.

Recently, I have had to face some spiritual truths about myself that helped me to realize the reality that there are 'forces' or 'powers' that draw us so far away from God and the way that is usually done is by destroying our view of who we really are and not allowing us to reach the potential we have or to feel we are are the people God created us to be.  I have felt like I was such a disappointment to God and that I could never be who he wanted me to be. I felt like a failure and incapable of doing anything God had for me. This had been because of somethings that I had been told in the past. It is difficult to see Gods view of you any different than what you have been or what you have felt or have been told through out your life.

There is an enemy- the devil - out there that wants to strip you of your knowledge of Gods love. He wants nothing but failure, self pity, hatred, unforgiveness, indifference and destruction for you. He is afraid of who you can become when engulfed in the love of God. Think about it. If there was someone in your past, especially as a child,  of whom you were jealous the first thing you did was try to make them feel bad about themselves so that they would not be able to succeed in their goals.

satan wants to steal you away from the one who gave his life for you, the one that took your sins for you.
Why would Jesus make the huge sacrifice he did for you if you were not precious and loved by him. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Call on the name of the Lord an you will be saved. We are ALL Gods favorite

It sounds easy, and it is. Jesus did the hard part. Confess your sins to the Lord, ask forgiveness, acknowledge that He is God, and let Him know you accept Him as the Lord of your life.

I really do not mean to preach but I need to hear this stuff too.


Lord thank you for my friends and family that are so caring and have been such a wonderful support for me through this weight loss and healing process. Watch over them, keep your mighty hand upon them and deliver them from the hands of the enemy. Protect them and give them peace. In Jesus name AMEN!

Fan into flame the gift of God...for God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self discipline. ~ II Timothy 1:6,7

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