Thursday, June 9, 2011


Don't know why my FOLLOWERS LIST isn't showing up lately but it seems I'm not the only one! There are tons of postings on the Help screen. There are some answers there but they are gibberish to me. Might as well be in Chinese. I'll get it figured out, always do. :-D I have 15 regular Followers now and there are always more on facebook and email, wow! A couple of times I've got over 30 responses! Who'd a thought I was that interesting, it still amazes me! One of these days I will stop saying that but I can't help it.

So, went to see Dr. C today, got weighed...not good, not good at all. I gained, still retaining water in my ankles, feet, legs, hands and face. still, no excuse for the gain on that scale. Is somebody out there not praying like they should, hmmm? Just kidding guys. Once again I haven't been perfect but I always get back up and keep going. I am really starting not to get this. I just am out of things to say at this point. Not sure what to do now. I will keep you posted - whether you like it or not.

I have had a couple of humiliating things happen this last couple of weeks regarding my weight and it has been really hard not to be frustrated with myself. Got to admit it gets harder to see myself "healthy". I know, I know it will happen. I am just sayin' - it has become very hard and frustrating. 

No poison ivy yet, I figure I have at least until this weekend to know if I will get it or not. I have never had it in my life even though I have slept in it, walked in it, fallen in it. I even picked some once when I was young to show my grandpa what it looked like - I suppose I was about 7 or 8. He knew. Apparently, he had a really bad case of it in WWII, like he even had it internally - nose, mouth, throat. I learned this by his reaction to me bringing it to him. He yelled at me and explained at length just what poison ivy can do. This was followed by a gasoline hand wash a bath, and a shower. Yep, it turned out to be quite traumatic, haha!

Sorry if this post was a bit of a downer. Maybe you can go back and read one of my more uplifting or funnier ones. There are a few of those.


Lord, thank you so much for family and friends who care so much and are so patient to listen and pray for me. Everyday I see how blessed I am and how full you are of mercy and grace. Lead us all on the path of righteousness, strengthen us in your wisdom and in your Spirit. 
For those facing the floods Lord turn this around for your glory. Give us direction and insight as to our roll in this mess. Help us to be quick to respond to those in need of our help. Surround us with your peace and draw us all closer to you. In Jesus Name I pray AMEN!! 


"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you" ~ Psalm 5:11

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13

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