Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little Smilies and Poison Ivy's

Hi All, first God Bless you for your friendship, caring and not giving up on me! :-) It seems like whenever I am finding this weight loss frustrating and impossible or I am struggling with my physical or emotional issues, some one IM's me, emails or calls. It gives me a reason to move forward. I have had a rough couple of weeks and that happened four times in that time period - just out of the blue and just when I was feeling alone in this, ummmm  let's say "quest". God is good and I am blessed!

Well, haven't made it in for a weigh-in lately. It is just hard to get there with everything going on. I will go to see Dr. C tomorrow and will get weighed then.

I hope by now you all know that weighing-in doesn't just mean physical weight right? It also means weighing-in of stories, opinions and thoughts.

Stayed in cabins at Waubonsie State Park this past weekend!!!! My favorite place in my little world to be. Went camping with my sisters and their girls, Bob, Lindsay and Lindsay's boyfriend Derek. I love being with them all but my nieces had me almost rolling on the floor...OMG!! They are all so quick witted and very smart - they're Corcoran's, that is for sho! Jenna (13) was a complete goof ball and cracked me up with her little sayings and attitude! Allie (10) was making me laugh every time she opened her mouth. Katie (7) gave us all Astronomy lessons. For instance did you know that every city has a little dipper? I know right? Also, the big dipper has been misnamed it is really a big soup spoon! She'll work for NASA someday I am sure of it.  Katie also found out she wasn't really a warewolf which made her cry but she did do some tricks for me and when I asked if she could scratch behind her ears she grabbed her foot with her hand...and did. She also did some B boxin when she was the gangsta (not gangster) worm. It might not all sound as funny on paper but if you could have been there...you'd a been running to the rest room too. I LOVE MY NIECES TO PIECES!! Al and Jenna call me their camping mom - we are besties you know!

I took a long stroll on my power chair to see the beautiful sights. I was doing fine until I tried to get up the hill to get home. It was a two block hill and as I worked my way up my chair slowed down, overheated (it was 100 degrees) and finally stopped. I would shut it off for a while, go ten feet and shut it off again. I had about 1/2 a block to go when the towel that was on my seat fell off and wrapped itself around my right wheel. This took my chair, and me to the right and into a HUGE patch of waist high Poison Ivy!!! The poison ivy did stop me from careening into a ditch so I'm guessing there is probably a moral (or two) to this story.

An elderly couple stopped and asked if I needed help. Believe it or not I said no and I was fine, they just sast there looking at me then I thought about my predicament and said yes - pride is a funny thing. These lovely people helped me out and pushed my chair to the top of the hill. The woman said she had felt guilty about being there instead of helping with sandbags in Hamburg, IA but now felt a lot better about coming since she was able to help me. I blessed someone while being a total idiot... :) I told her that I believed God had her there at the right place at the right time, gave her a big hug and thanked her husband and went on my way only to discover I had blood running all over from all the scratches because of the blood thinners. Made it to the showers and had Patty run up a change of clothes and toiletries - The End (well it will never be the end because my family will NEVER let me live this down...)

Blessing to you all!!

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